Sorry, I never told you, all I wanted to say
Now it's too late to hold you
Cause you've flown away, so far away
Never, Had I imagined, yeah, living without your smile
Feelin' and knowing you hear me
It keeps me alive. Alive
And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day
Picture a little scene from Heaven
Darling, I never showed you
Assumed you'd always be there
I took your presence for granted
But I always cared
And I miss the love we shared
And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day
Picture a little scene from Heaven
Although, the sun will never shine the same, I'll
always look to a brighter day
Yeah, Lord, I know, when I lay me down to sleep,
You'll always listen, as I pray
And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day
And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day
Sorry, I Never told you, all I wanted to say
Myspace Glitter Maker
single and loving it like anything.
fourteen on the
twentyeighth of November.And, correct on 16th Febuary, needs exactly
4.5 cm to just be an
average-heighted woman in SINGAPORE.
but she's much taller than when she was in
TNS and
Temasek PrimaryShe's in love with
FAMILY FRIENDS MUSIC PUMA (also her Temasek House <3) and
CLAIRE GUO and manymany more.
She is currently on a mission to
force persuade juniors to join her deardear RGS. And no she does not persuade people to go to RI. For some reason.
Viewable by IE 0.7 & Firefox
I'm actually growing okay!
She's reallyreally sensitive so watch what you say and do.
she can see stuff too, she isn't idiotic.
And she hides much more than she shows.
Because it's not safe in this cruel world.
You may think she's ordinary under those spectacles, but that's why she wears them.
when she takes them off for real, she still might not have taken off her mask.
Love her? Hate her? It's still an obsession.
are obsessed. with her.
11:29 AM Saturday, October 11, 2008
Yesterday (Friday) was umm exhausting.
After Math, Me Rach and Yuanyue went out to buy a big bunny for mich. :D Belinda got grounded >:/
Went to Plaza Sing. Bought a big bunny cushion for mich. But it dosen't represent anything yet because it hasn't been in her hands wheeee.
Then I bought an octopus for Pops.
And one breadou for Belinda and one for Wearn Xin. One as Rach's birthday present. Sorry we didn't buy you any, Viv. But umm we will buy soon! :D
Then umm Rach had to go so we went to Bugis Junction and ran around taking the bubble lift up and down and up and down. Yes we are very youthful aren't we.
Then we basically just walked around BJ again and again and again and basically just went window shopping, dragging the poor bunny and octopus with us.
And we got neoprints!
Were too busy laughing we neglected the time limit for the first one. >:\
But second one was cheaper and better because there was no time limit and it was only 10 bucks wheeeee
So basically we spent like 20-30 minutes decorating just four pictures woops.
We are the random mathsockers! :D
I owe yuanyue 6 bucks i think.
For the phone pouch.
For her brrbrr phone! :D
I think that's bout it.
Tata! :D
wheee quiz! :D
10:37 AM Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I'm sick of exams, I tell you. Sick sick sick of getting the wrong answers everytime, sick of getting sick of SOME people xuan4 yao4-ing, sick of everything. In fact once the exam's over I think I'm going to fall sick! D: I want to go bugis fastfastfast. I have a stupid shopping craving. Waiting for Belinda's approval D:
level 1
( ) smoked a cigarette
( ) smoked a cigar
(x) kissed a member of the same sex
my sister? It was a dareeee.
level 2
(x) are / been in love If only there was no love in this world.
( ) dumped someone
( ) been fired
( ) been in a fist fight
level 3
(x) had a crush on an older person Well since almost every guy I know that can be remotely crushable is older than me. I'm too young :D
(x) skipped class
(x) seen someone / something die My rabbits?
level 4
(/) been to Paris I will! :D I want to go to the Louvre and put on shiny red lipstick and wear a beret!
( ) been to Spain
(x) been on a plane I love planes tho the games are weird.
( ) thrown up from drinking
level 5
(x) eaten sushi regretted. Dead fish ugh
( ) been snowboarding
(x) met someone through internet
( ) been in a mosh pit
level 6
( ) been in an abusive relationship
(x) taken pain killers
(x) liked/loved someone who you can't have Did Arron count? :D
(x) layed on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
( ) made a snow angel
The only time I saw snow, it was on a mountain. 5096 metres up. Was far too weak from lack of oxygen to bother about lying on the floor and moving my hands up and down -.O a hybrid! :D
level 7
( ) had a tea party
(x) flown a kite but failed terribly.
(x) built a sand castle
( ) gone mudding
(x) played dress up I am a bimbo at heart sometimes yeah. I put on makeup too! Amy Winehouse is the <3> level 8
(x) jumped into a pile of leaves
( ) gone sledding
(x) cheated while playing a game
(x) been lonely
(x) fallen asleep at work / school
level 10
(x) watched the sunset i can see a sunset from where I live. -.O
(x) felt an earthquake Do tremors count?
( ) killed a snake
level 11
(x) been tickled yuanyue.
( ) been robbed / vandalized
(x) been cheated on um yes many times. D: I don't believe anymore DD:
(x) been misunderstood mummy hear this?
level 12
(x) won a contests
( ) been suspended from school
( ) had detention
( ) been in a car / motorcycle accident
level 13
( ) had / have braces
(x) eaten a whole pint of ice cream soy! :D in one night recently.
( ) danced in the moonlight nope not THAT nuts yet.
level 14
(x) hated the way you look
( ) witnessed a crime
( ) pole danced
(x) questioned your heart
(x) been obsessed with post-it-notes
level 15
(x) squished barefoot through the mud
( ) been to the opposite side of the world
( ) swam in the ocean
(x) felt like you were dying
level 16
(x) cried yourself to sleep less than a week ago
( ) played cops and robbers
(x) recently colored with crayons / colored pencils / markers zigs are awfully fun to colour with! :D
(x) sang karaoke note to self: NEVER sing Amei again.
(x) paid for a meal with only coins wait what's a meal? i think I did once. :D
level 17
(x) done something you told yourself you wouldn't get distracted like now! D:
(x) made prank phone calls received more tho. SCARY D:
(x) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose That's why I don't drink coke now. D:
( ) kissed in the rain
level 18
( ) written a letter to Santa Claus
(x) watched the sunset/ sunrise with someone you care/cared about family?
(x) blown bubbles
( ) made a bonfire on the beach or anywhere
level 19
( ) crashed a party
(x) have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people. omg it's torture when you have a crazy family. D:
( ) gone rollerskating / blading SCARED OF IT LAH
(x) had a wish come true
( ) been humped by a monkey
level 20
( ) worn pearls dead oysters! D:
( ) jumped off a bridge
( ) swam with dolphins
level 21
(x) got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cubes and many many popsicles D:
( ) kicked a fish
(x) worn the opposite sex's clothes
( ) sat on a roof top and watched the stars
level 22
(x) screamed at the top of your lungs
(x) done / attempted a one-handed cartwheel I fell unglamly.
(x) talked on the phone for more than 6 hours ohno my phone bill D:
(x) recently stayed up for a while talking to someone you care about uhhuh.
level 23
( ) picked and ate an apple right off the tree
( ) climbed a tree
( ) had/been in a tree house
( ) been too scared to watch scary movies alone ohmy i think I'm psycho I watch scary movies and laugh.
level 24
(x) believed in ghosts
(x) have had more then 30 pairs of shoes Have you seen my shoe cupboard?
( ) gone streaking
( ) visited jail
level 25
( ) played chicken
(x) been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
( ) been told you're hot by a complete stranger
( ) broken a bone
(x) been easily amused hyper times.
level 26
( ) caught a fish, then ate it later
( ) made a porn video/got asked to make one ughhh like I even qualify -.O
(x) caught a butterfly
(x) laughed so hard you cried
(x) cried so hard you laughed
level 27
( ) mooned/flashed someone
( ) had someone moon/flash you
( ) cheated on a test
(x) forgotten someone's name um I'm sorry WOOPS I FORGOT YOUR NAME AGAIN SORRY WHAT'S YOUR NAME? D:
(x) French braided someone’s hair heh. easier to braid than MINE.
( ) gone skinny dipping
(x) been kicked out of your house mummy. -.O
level 28
( ) rode a roller coaster contrary to popular belief.
( ) went scuba-diving/snorkeling
( ) had a cavity
(x) blackmailed someone
(x) been blackmailed
level 29
(x) been used emotionally. D:
(x) fell going up the stairs it bled ow.
( ) licked a cat ?
(x) bitten someone kindergarten days.
( ) licked someone umm?
level 30
( ) been shot at/or at gunpoint
( ) flattened someone’s tires
( ) rode in a car/truck until the gas light came on
( ) got five dollars or less worth of gas
Taggy Daggy Lag! :D
1. Shiro :D
2. Yeomy! <3
3. Amber <3
4. Yingbi <3
5. Yingtong <3
6.HEKU <33
7. Hazel :D
8. Gwen here's something to keep your blog alive.
9. Wenhui eeee you never link de.
10. ...anybody who wants to do then do lor.
Labels: exams, mugging, quiz, random